Spondilas Dulcis / June Plum

Ambarella (Spondias dulcis) is a tropical tree with edible fruit. The plant grows on all types of soil, including acidic soils & oolitic limestone in Florida, as long as they are well-drained. The tree originated in Southeast Asia. It is widely cultivated in Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, & some parts of Africa for its leaves & fruits.



3/13/20224 min read

Spondilas Dulcis / June Plum

  • Ambarella (Spondias dulcis) is a tropical tree with edible fruit. The plant grows on all types of soil, including acidic soils and oolitic limestone in Florida, as long as they are well-drained. The tree originated in Southeast Asia. It is widely cultivated in Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, and some parts of Africa for its leaves and fruits. Ambarella is a vigorous deciduous tree that grows about 10–25 m high or may grow to 45 m. The plant flourishes in humid and wet tropical areas. It is rather common in lowland primary forests, sometimes in secondary forests. The tree bears fruits abundantly from September to mid of January. Ambarella fruits grow in clusters of up to a dozen.

  • It is commonly called:

    • kedondong (Indonesia),

    • buah long long (Singapore),

    • pomme cythere (Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica, Guadeloupe, and Martinique),

    • June plum (Bermuda and Jamaica),

    • mangotín (Panama),

    • juplon (Costa Rica),

    • golden apple (Barbados and Guyana),

    • jobo indio (Venezuela), and

    • cajarana, caja-manga (Brazil)

  • It’s vaguely sweet, with a hint of tart acidity. The fruit is oval in shape, green in color with a tough skin. The flesh of the fruit is hard and contains a fibrous pit. The fruit turns golden-yellow when it ripens. It has flavors of pineapple and mango. The hard crunchy flesh is sour and thus, it is often eaten with salt, chili powder, sugar, or shrimp paste. Although the fruit can be eaten raw, the ripened fruit tastes the best.

  • The leaves and the bark of ambarella are widely used as a therapeutic agent as it contains flavonoids, saponin, and tannins. The fruit is dense in nutrients and improves overall health. One serving of ambarella fruit provides 48Kcal of energy, 1 gram of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrate, 233 IU of vitamin A, 30mg of vitamin C, 15 mg of calcium, 3 mg of iron, and 22 grams of phosphorus. The fruit also contains dietary fiber and Vitamin B complex constituents like thiamine and riboflavin.

  • The plant is grown as a living fence.

  • Wood is light-brown and buoyant and in the Society Islands has been used for canoes.

  • Bark yields a resinous gum.

  • Fruit is fed to the pigs and the leaves are given to cattle.

  • Ambarella fruit is used to make jams, jellies, and preserves. The fruit is added to soups, sauces, and stews as flavorings. In certain places, ambarella is used in a fruit salad or dried and made into a spicy paste to prepare certain dishes. The fruit can also be candied or processed into drinks.

  • Boosts Immune System – Golden apple fruit is rich in vitamin C. It improves the function of the immune system. It also improves the formation of collagen and accelerates the wound healing process. The fruit also contains antioxidants and helps prevent free radical damage.

  • Improves Skin Health – The vitamin C content of the fruit helps in tissue repair and nourishes the skin. It increases the production of collagen and improves the beauty of the skin. It is also used to treat skin diseases. The leaves of the tree are boiled and the extract is used as a substitute for body lotion and moisturizers. Traditionally, the root of the tree is used to treat itchy skin.

  • Helps Treat Cough – The leaf extract is used to treat cough. About 3 or 4 fresh leaves of the tree are boiled in two cups of water and allowed to stand for a few minutes. The concoction is strained and usually taken with honey. The fruit can also be used to treat cough. Two or three pieces of the fruit are shredded and the water is squeezed. A pinch of salt can be added to the extract and consumed thrice a day to relieve cough.

  • Helps Treat Digestive Problems – It is high in dietary fiber, which facilitates digestion and helps clear the bowel. The pulp of the fruit is recommended for those who suffer from constipation and dyspepsia (indigestion). The high water content of the fruit prevents dehydration. The bark of the tree is used as a remedy to cure dysentery. People suffering from diarrhea, dysentery, can take a herbal concoction of the tree bark to ease discomfort. The herbal concoction is prepared using 5 grams of bark. The clean bark is boiled in two cups of water until the water is reduced to half. The strained concoction can be consumed to provide instant relief for dysentery.

  • Improves Vision – The fruit is a good source of vitamin A. It plays an important role in visual perception. The compound of vitamin A known as retinol helps distribute images that are received by the retina of the eye. The decoction of the leaves is used as a wash for sore eyes.

  • Provides Energy – The fruit is high in sugar mainly in the form of sucrose, which provides instant energy. It is a natural and wholesome way to boost vitality and endurance.

  • Helps in Weight Loss – The fruit is low in fat, carbohydrate and high in dietary fiber. Though the fruit is low in calories, it provides the required nutrients to the body. Thus, it is an ideal fruit for weight loss. The water content of the fruit provides a feeling of fullness and also prevents overeating.