Did You Know?

The stickers placed on fruits are made out of edible paper, meaning that they are, technically, able to be consumed. Some fruits that most people haven’t ever heard of–but are worth learning more about–include the following: cotton candy grapes, lemon cucumbers, kiwi berries, cherimoya, jackfruit, pomelo, water...



6/30/20211 min read

Did You Know?

1. The stickers placed on fruits are made out of edible paper, meaning that they are, technically, able to be consumed.

2. Some fruits that most people haven’t ever heard of–but are worth learning more about–include the following: cotton candy grapes, lemon cucumbers, kiwi berries, cherimoya, jackfruit, pomelo, water apples, etc.

3. Some nutritionists call guavas a “superfruit.” Others under this title include apples, bananas, grapefruit, citrus fruits, and cantaloupe.

4. Bananas, like apples and watermelons, can float.

5. When put in a bowl with bananas, pears will ripen faster than normal.